Meta-analysis of p53 loss of function in gastric cancer.
Points ; mean p53 activity as measured by transactivation with the WAF1promoter ; bars , 95 % CI. The mean and 95 % CI of p53 activity for all studies combined for a specific type of cancer is shown on the far left of each graph.
Horizontal line, mean of the combined studies. The publication code is indicated on the x-axis : the first number is an anonymous ID for the publication and the second number indicates the number of p53 mutants included in this study. Studies are presented from left to right in decreasing order of number of p53 mutants. The y-axis corresponds to p53 transactivation activity, with a value of 1.5 for the negative control and a value of 2.5 for 100 % of wild-type activity. Only studies with 5 or more p53 mutations are shown on the graph.
More information about this statistical analysis can be found in this article:
Soussi, T., Asselain, B., Hamroun, D., Kato, S., Ishioka, C., Claustres, M. and Beroud, C. (2006) Meta-analysis of the p53 mutation database for mutant p53 biological activity reveals a methodologic bias in mutation detection. Clin Cancer Res, 12, 62-69. Download the pdf