Cell lines database

p53 database

p53 mutations in cell lines

The hanbook of p53 mutation in cell lines

Cell lines with a controversial p53 status

The NCI 60 panel

Bladder cancer cell lines

Brain cancer cell lines

Breast cancer cell lines

Cervical carcinoma

Colorectal cancer cell lines

Esophageal cancer cell lines

Gastric cancer cell lines

Head and Neck cancer cell lines

Leukemia / Lymphoma cell lines

NSCLC cancer cell lines

Ovarian cancer cell lines

Pancreatic cancer cell lines

Sarcoma cell lines

SCLC cancer cell lines

Melanoma cell lines

Hepatocellular carcinoma


Cell lines with a controversial p53 status

Pos: Codon position (1 to 393);
WT: Normal base sequence of the codon in which the mutation occurred;
Mut Sequence of the mutated codon. If the mutation is a deletion or an insertion, it is indicated by "del" or "ins" followed by the number of deleted or inserted bases. The position in the codon is indicated by “a”, “b”, or “c” for the first, second or third base of the codon respectively. Example: "del66b" is a deletion of 66 bases including the second base of the codon; "ins4a" is an insertion of 4 bases occurring between the first and the second base of the codon. Label a, b, or c is omitted if the boundary of the deletion or insertion is unknown
AA: Wild type amino acid;
Mut: Mutant amino acid. Stop: nonsense mutation: Fs.: Frameshift mutation: InF: In-frame insertion or deletion;
Comp: complexity of the mutation: SM: Single mutational event in the tumor; DMU (Double Mutation Unknown): Two p53 mutations in the same tumor but their allelique distribution is unknown; DMD (Double Mutation Different allele): Two p53 mutations in the same tumor on two different p53 alleles; DMS (Double Mutation Same allele): Two p53 mutations in the same tumor on the same p53 allele: MM (Multiple Mutation): More than two p53 mutations in the same tumor;
NB: Number of tumors with this particular mutant in the database;
Ref: reference number;
Comments: information;

More information is available in the handbook

Table of references (available also in the handbook)


237 ATG ATA Met Ile SM WI-L2-NS 123 B-cell Leukemia 637 Controversy with other publications
330 CTT CAT Leu His SM WI-L2-NS 4 B-cell Leukemia 769 Controversy with other publications
126 TAC TAG Tyr Stop SM EJ 14 Bladder carcinoma 689 Controversy with other publications
164 AAG GAG Lys Glu SM EJ 25 Bladder carcinoma 729 Controversy with other publications
76 GCA del76 Ala Fs. SM FHS 738B1 1 Bladder carcinoma 561 Single report
365 CAC CGC His Arg SM HT-1197 1 Bladder carcinoma 561 wt in COSMIC
250 CCC CTC Pro Leu SM HT-1376 53 Bladder carcinoma 561 Confirmed in two other publications
261 AGT del137 Ser Fs. DMU J82 1 Bladder carcinoma 2249 Controversy with other publications Deletion of exon 8
271 GAG AAG Glu Lys MM J82 38 Bladder carcinoma 561 Controversy with other publications undocumented 4th mutation (deletion 210 bp)
271 GAG AAG Glu Lys MM J82 38 Bladder carcinoma 729 Controversy with other publications
274 GTT TTT Val Phe MM J82 32 Bladder carcinoma 561 Controversy with other publications undocumented 4th mutation (deletion 210 bp)
274 GTT TTT Val Phe MM J82 32 Bladder carcinoma 729 Controversy with other publications
320 AAG AAC Lys Asn MM J82 5 Bladder carcinoma 561 Controversy with other publications undocumented 4th mutation (deletion 210 bp)
320 AAG AAC Lys Asn DMU J82 5 Bladder carcinoma 2249 Controversy with other publications
320 AAG AAC Lys Asn MM J82 5 Bladder carcinoma 729 Controversy with other publications
183 TCA TGA Ser Stop DMU RT-112 29 Bladder carcinoma 2249 Controversy with other publications
248 CGG CAG Arg Gln SM RT-112 883 Bladder carcinoma 1733 Controversy with other publications
248 CGG CAG Arg Gln DMU RT-112 883 Bladder carcinoma 2249 Controversy with other publications
110 CGT CTT Arg Leu SM SD 28 Bladder carcinoma 294 Controversy with other publications
116 TCT TGT Ser Cys SM SD 3 Bladder carcinoma 689 Controversy with other publications
126 TAC TAG Tyr Stop SM T-24 14 Bladder carcinoma 689 Controversy with other publications
126 TAC del3a Tyr InF SM T-24 1 Bladder carcinoma 561 Controversy with other publications
126 TAC TAG Tyr Stop DMU VM-CUB-1 14 Bladder carcinoma 2249 Controversy with other publications
175 CGC CAC Arg His SM VM-CUB-1 1187 Bladder carcinoma 689 Controversy with other publications
175 CGC CAC Arg His DMU VM-CUB-1 1187 Bladder carcinoma 2249 Controversy with other publications
158 CGC CTC Arg Leu DMU VM-CUB-2 92 Bladder carcinoma 689 Controversy with other publications
158 CGC CTC Arg Leu SM VM-CUB-2 92 Bladder carcinoma 294 Controversy with other publications
163 TAC TGC Tyr Cys DMU VM-CUB-2 140 Bladder carcinoma 689 Controversy with other publications
246 ATG del1c Met Fs. SM BT-483 1 Breast carcinoma 2029 Controversy with other publications
246 ATG ATA Met Ile SM BT-483 33 Breast carcinoma 2091 Controversy with other publications
204 GAG ins7c Glu Fs. SM MDA-MB-436 1 Breast carcinoma 2029 Controversy with other publications
273 CGT CAT Arg His SM MDA-MB-436 780 Breast carcinoma 1367 Controversy with other publications
213 CGA TGA Arg Stop SM DAUDI 306 Burkitt lymphoma 44 Controversy with other publications
266 GGA GAA Gly Glu SM DAUDI 74 Burkitt lymphoma 2249 Controversy with other publications
158 CGC CAC Arg His SM ST486 105 Burkitt lymphoma 44 Consensus based on three puublications. Controversy with other publications Second mutation found by COSMIC
158 CGC CAC Arg His DMU ST486 105 Burkitt lymphoma 2249 Controversy with other publications. Excluded from the consensus
239 AAC GAC Asn Asp DMU ST486 53 Burkitt lymphoma 2249 Controversy with other publications. Excluded from the consensus
234 TAC TGC Tyr Cys SM CaR-1 133 Colorectal carcinoma 1006 Controversy with other publications. wt in COSMIC
272 GTG ATG Val Met SM CaR-1 105 Colorectal carcinoma 2051 Controversy with other publications. wt in COSMIC
103 TAC del27 Tyr InF SM COLO-205 1 Colorectal carcinoma 492 Controversy with other publications
266 GGA GAA Gly Glu SM COLO-205 74 Colorectal carcinoma 1018 Controversy with other publications
153 CCC GCC Pro Ala SM HCT-15 5 Colorectal carcinoma 1018 Controversy with other publications
241 TCC TTC Ser Phe SM HCT-15 101 Colorectal carcinoma 2251 Controversy with other publications
72 CCC del1b Pro Fs. SM KM12 1 Colorectal carcinoma 2249 Controversy with other publications
179 CAT CGT His Arg SM KM12 146 Colorectal carcinoma 1018 Controversy with other publications
156 CGC del1a Arg Fs. DMU RL95-2 3 Endometrial tumor 1625 Controversy with other publications
218 GTG del3 Val InF SM RL95-2 2 Endometrial tumor 64 Controversy with other publications
218 GTG del3a Val InF DMU RL95-2 3 Endometrial tumor 1625 Controversy with other publications
179 CAT CGT His Arg SM KYSE-450 146 Esophageal SCC 634 Controversy with other publications
339 GAG TAG Glu Stop SM KYSE-450 12 Esophageal SCC 2249 Controversy with other publications
241 TCC del32c Ser Fs. SM KYSE-510 1 Esophageal SCC 634 Controversy with other publications
343 GAG TAG Glu Stop SM KYSE-510 5 Esophageal SCC 2249 Controversy with other publications
110 CGT CTT Arg Leu SM TE-11 28 Esophageal SCC 1006 Controversy with other publications. wt in COSMIC
237 ATG ATT Met Ile SM TE-11 52 Esophageal SCC 1144 Controversy with other publications. wt in COSMIC
251 ATC CTC Ile Leu DMU MKN-74 5 Gastric carcinoma 1006 Controversy with other publications. wt in COSMIC
251 ATC CTC Ile Leu SM MKN-74 5 Gastric carcinoma 94 Controversy with other publications. wt in COSMIC
271 GAG GCG Glu Ala DMU MKN-74 3 Gastric carcinoma 1006 Controversy with other publications. wt in COSMIC
342 CGA del1a Arg Fs. SM SF-539 5 Gliomas 2249 Controversy with other publications
277 TGT del30 Cys InF SM UM-SCC-14 2 Head and Neck SCC 1019 Controversy with other publications
277 TGT del30 Cys InF DMU UM-SCC-14 2 Head and Neck SCC 1636 Controversy with other publications
280 AGA AGT Arg Ser DMU UM-SCC-14 14 Head and Neck SCC 1636 Controversy with other publications
244 GGC GCC Gly Ala SM HLE 10 Hepatocellular carcinoma 1069 Controversy with other publications
249 AGG AGC Arg Ser SM HLE 34 Hepatocellular carcinoma 230 Controversy with other publications
272 GTG ATG Val Met SM HLE 105 Hepatocellular carcinoma 1006 Controversy with other publications
237 ATG AAG Met Lys DMU SK-LMS-1 11 Leyomyosarcoma 2198 Controversy with other publications
245 GGC AGC Gly Ser SM SK-LMS-1 440 Leyomyosarcoma 14 Controversy with other publications
245 GGC AGC Gly Ser DMU SK-LMS-1 440 Leyomyosarcoma 2198 Controversy with other publications
175 CGC CAC Arg His DMU SK-UT-1 1187 Leyomyosarcoma 2249 Controversy with other publications
175 CGC CAC Arg His SM SK-UT-1 1187 Leyomyosarcoma 14 Controversy with other publications
248 CGG CAG Arg Gln DMU SK-UT-1 883 Leyomyosarcoma 2249 Controversy with other publications
187 GGT del111 Gly InF SM EKVX 1 Lung (NSCLC) 1018 Controversy with other publications
203 GTG GTT Val Val SM EKVX 2 Lung (NSCLC) 2249 Controversy with other publications
204 GAG TAG Glu Stop SM EKVX 46 Lung (NSCLC) 2249 Controversy with other publications
47 CCG CTG Pro Leu SM NCI-H1373 3 Lung (NSCLC) 106 Controversy with other publications
34 CCC ins1 Pro Fs. DMU NCI-H157 1 Lung (NSCLC) 1382 Controversy with other publications
282 CGG CCG Arg Pro SM NCI-H157 21 Lung (NSCLC) 2021 Controversy with other publications
298 GAG TAG Glu Stop SM NCI-H157 71 Lung (NSCLC) 92 Controversy with other publications
298 GAG TAG Glu Stop DMU NCI-H157 71 Lung (NSCLC) 1382 Controversy with other publications
285 GAG AAG Glu Lys SM NCI-H1703 165 Lung (NSCLC) 92 Controversy with other publications
209 AGA TGA Arg Stop SM NCI-H1793 14 Lung (NSCLC) 92 Controversy with other publications
273 CGT CAT Arg His SM NCI-H1793 780 Lung (NSCLC) 2249 Controversy with other publications
158 CGC CTC Arg Leu SM NCI-H226 92 Lung (NSCLC) 92 Controversy with other publications
309 CCC GCC Pro Ala SM NCI-H226 1 Lung (NSCLC) 1018 Controversy with other publications
249 AGG AGC Arg Ser SM NCI-H324 34 Lung (NSCLC) 678 Controversy with other publications
249 AGG AGC Arg Ser DMU NCI-H324 34 Lung (NSCLC) 92 Controversy with other publications
259 GAC GTC Asp Val DMU NCI-H324 21 Lung (NSCLC) 92 Controversy with other publications
248 CGG TGG Arg Trp SM PC-14 728 Lung (NSCLC) 1382 Controversy with other publications
248 CGG CAG Arg Gln SM PC-14 883 Lung (NSCLC) 2242 Controversy with other publications
280 AGA AAA Arg Lys SM SK-MES-1 78 Lung (NSCLC) 1081 Controversy with other publications. Excluded from the cosnensus
298 GAG TAG Glu Stop SM SK-MES-1 71 Lung (NSCLC) 303 Consensus based on three publications. Controversy with other publications
46 TCC del1b Ser Fs. DMU NCI-H1048 1 Lung (SCLC) 2249 Controversy with other publications
273 CGT TGT Arg Cys SM NCI-H1048 687 Lung (SCLC) 22 Controversy with other publications
273 CGT TGT Arg Cys DMU NCI-H1048 687 Lung (SCLC) 2249 Controversy with other publications
258 GAA AAA Glu Lys DMU MeWo 73 Melanoma 2249 Controversy with other publications
258 GAA AAA Glu Lys SM MeWo 73 Melanoma 1076 Controversy with other publications
317 CAG TAG Gln Stop DMU MeWo 25 Melanoma 2249 Controversy with other publications
341 TTC TTT Phe Phe SM MeWo 4 Melanoma 2019 Controversy with other publications
342 CGA TGA Arg Stop SM MeWo 74 Melanoma 2019 Controversy with other publications
239 AAC GAC Asn Asp SM PA-1 53 Ovarian carcinoma 854 Controversy with other publications. wt in COSMIC
316 CCC CCT Pro Pro SM PA-1 6 Ovarian carcinoma 144 Controversy with other publications. wt in COSMIC
89 CCC del1a Pro Fs. SM SK-OV-3 3 Ovarian carcinoma 2249 Controversy with other publications
179 CAT CGT His Arg SM SK-OV-3 146 Ovarian carcinoma 1018 Controversy with other publications
262 GGT GTT Gly Val SM SW626 14 Ovarian carcinoma 864 Controversy with other publications
273 CGT CAT Arg His SM SW626 780 Ovarian carcinoma 1011 Controversy with other publications
134 TTT del1a Phe Fs. SM AsPC-1 4 Pancreatic cancer 397 Consensus based on four publications. Controversy with other publications
273 CGT CAT Arg His SM ASPC-1 780 Pancreatic cancer 132 Controversy with other publications. Excluded from the consensus
273 CGT CAT Arg His SM Panc-1 780 Pancreatic cancer 178 Consensus based on four publications. Controversy with one publication
273 CGT TGT Arg Cys SM Panc-1 687 Pancreatic cancer 177 Controversy with other publications. Excluded from the cosnensus
223 CCT CTT Pro Leu DMD DU-145 5 Prostate ca. 59 Consensus based on three publications. Controvery withy other publications (only one of the two mutations is found)
274 GTT TTT Val Phe DMD DU-145 32 Prostate ca. 59 Consensus based on three publications. Controvery withy other publications (only one of the two mutations is found)
278 CCT GCT Pro Ala DMU 786-0 24 Renal cell ca. 1018 Controversy with other publications. Splice in COSMIC
273 CGT TGT Arg Cys SM Rh30 687 Rhabdomyosarcoma 1190 Controversy with other publications
280 AGA AGT Arg Ser SM RH30 14 Rhabdomyosarcoma 97 Controversy with other publications
111 CTG GTG Leu Val SM MOLT-4 1 T-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leu 2242 Controversy with other publications
248 CGG CAG Arg Gln SM MOLT-4 883 T-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leu 27 Controversy with other publications
306 CGA TGA Arg Stop SM MOLT-4 160 T-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leu 2249 Controversy with other publications



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