Cell lines database

p53 database

p53 mutations in cell lines

The hanbook of p53 mutation in cell lines

Cell lines with a controversial p53 status

The NCI 60 panel

Bladder cancer cell lines

Brain cancer cell lines

Breast cancer cell lines

Cervical carcinoma

Colorectal cancer cell lines

Esophageal cancer cell lines

Gastric cancer cell lines

Head and Neck cancer cell lines

Leukemia / Lymphoma cell lines

NSCLC cancer cell lines

Ovarian cancer cell lines

Pancreatic cancer cell lines

Sarcoma cell lines

SCLC cancer cell lines

Melanoma cell lines

Hepatocellular carcinoma



Table I : cell lines with wt p53

Cell line
Cell line
A375 CRL-1619     MGH-TH-1    
C32TG   1006   MJM    
HS939 CRL-7690     MM455    
HS944T CRL-7693     MM608    
K2       RU    
K4       SK-MEL-23    
K11       SK-MEL-28 HTB-72  
K19       SK-MEL-30    
K23       SK-MEL-63    
K25       SK-MEL-93    
MEL-JUSO       SK-NEL-119    
MeWo HTB-65     SK-MEL-147    
MGH-BO-1       Swift    
MGH-ST-1       WM1205    
MGH-MC-1       WM115 CRL-1675  
MGH-QU-1       WM239A    


Table II : cell lines with p53 gene deletion or rearrangement

No data

Table III : cell lines with p53 splice mutation
(exonic mutations that modify splice are listed in table IV)

no data

Table IV: cell lines with p53 mutations (missense or frameshift)
More information is available in the handbook

Pos: Codon position (1 to 393);
WT: Normal base sequence of the codon in which the mutation occurred;
Mut Sequence of the mutated codon. If the mutation is a deletion or an insertion, it is indicated by "del" or "ins" followed by the number of deleted or inserted bases. The position in the codon is indicated by “a”, “b”, or “c” for the first, second or third base of the codon respectively. Example: "del66b" is a deletion of 66 bases including the second base of the codon; "ins4a" is an insertion of 4 bases occurring between the first and the second base of the codon. Label a, b, or c is omitted if the boundary of the deletion or insertion is unknown
AA: Wild type amino acid;
Mut: Mutant amino acid. Stop: nonsense mutation: Fs.: Frameshift mutation: InF: In-frame insertion or deletion;
Comp: complexity of the mutation: SM: Single mutational event in the tumor; DMU (Double Mutation Unknown): Two p53 mutations in the same tumor but their allelique distribution is unknown; DMD (Double Mutation Different allele): Two p53 mutations in the same tumor on two different p53 alleles; DMS (Double Mutation Same allele): Two p53 mutations in the same tumor on the same p53 allele: MM (Multiple Mutation): More than two p53 mutations in the same tumor;
NB: Number of tumors with this particular mutant in the database;
Ref: reference number;
Comments: information;

Table of references (available also in the handbook)

248 CGG TGG Arg Trp SM 20M 728 71 Single report
282 CGG TGG Arg Trp SM AKG 600 1393 Single report
307 GCA del7b Ala Fs. SM ECC4 1 2249 Mutation in COSMIC database
175 CGC CAC Arg His SM G42LATE 1187 1393 Single report
11 GAG CAG Glu Gln DMU GCIY 10 2249 Mutation in COSMIC database
179 CAT CAG His Gln DMU GCIY 14 2249 Mutation in COSMIC database
104 CAG TAG Gln Stop SM GT3TKB 18 2249 Mutation in COSMIC database
145 CTG CGG Leu Arg SM H-111 10 1689 Single report
273 CGT TGT Arg Cys SM H-162 687 1689 Single report
128 CCT del37 Pro Fs. SM H-30 2 1689 Single report
272 GTG ATG Val Met SM H-55 105 1689 Single report
152 CCG ins1c Pro Fs. SM HGC-27 2 2249 Mutation in COSMIC database
245 GGC AGC Gly Ser SM HSC-39 440 2087 Single report
193 CAT CCT His Pro SM HUG-1N 18 2242 Single report
173 GTG ATG Val Met SM JR1 77 94 Single report
173 GTG GCG Val Ala SM KWS 20 94 Single report
143 GTG GCG Val Ala SM MKN-1 20 71 Confirmed in another publication
251 ATC CTC Ile Leu SM MKN-28 5 94 Single report
278 CCT TCT Pro Ser SM MKN-7 87 2087 Single report
251 ATC CTC Ile Leu DMU MKN-74 5 1006 Controversy with other publications. wt in COSMIC
251 ATC CTC Ile Leu SM MKN-74 5 94 Controversy with other publications. wt in COSMIC
271 GAG GCG Glu Ala DMU MKN-74 3 1006 Controversy with other publications. wt in COSMIC
248 CGG CAG Arg Gln SM NCI-N87 883 46 Single report
220 TAT TGT Tyr Cys SM NUGC-3 336 94 Confirmed in another publication
342 CGA TGA Arg Stop SM OKAJIMA 74 71 Single report
57 GAC del17 Asp Fs. SM SK-GT-1 2 462 Single report
175 CGC CAC Arg His SM SK-GT-2 1187 462 Single report
281 GAC GAG Asp Glu SM SK-GT-5 26 462 Single report
205 TAT TTT Tyr Phe SM SNU-16 3 46 Single report
216 GTG ATG Val Met SM SNU-216 74 747 Single report
266 GGA GAA Gly Glu SM SNU-484 74 747 Single report
143 GTG del1 Val Fs. SM SNU-55 2 46 Single report
273 CGT CAT Arg His SM SNU-601 780 747 Single report
282 CGG TGG Arg Trp SM SNU-638 600 747 Single report
215 AGT AAT Ser Asn SM SNU-668 15 747 Single report
273 CGT TGT Arg Cys DMU TGBC11TKB 687 2249 Mutation in COSMIC database
381 AAA del1a Lys Fs. DMU TGBC11TKB 1 2249 Mutation in COSMIC database
173 GTG ATG Val Met SM TMK-1 77 71 Confirmed in another publication
175 CGC CAC Arg His SM YCC-3 1187 46 Single report



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